To Whom Will You Reach Out?
As we look to 2025, it seems appropriate to focus on Evangelistic Mission. What better time than the beginning of the Season of Epiphany to stir up one another to love in good deeds towards those outside the community of Faith?
An Ex-Muslim Christian is Baptized: The Testimony of Timothy* in Indonesia
“So, first time to know about Christianity [was] from my friends at school and my neighborhood. I live near a Catholic Church and Christian [Protestant] Church in [part of Indonesia].…”
Outside the Camp
In September, I found myself in the beautiful mountains outside of Asheville NC for my first New Wineskins conference. I was excited to be at the conference and to be in the mountains. I knew going into the week that God would clarify some things for me, but I had no idea what that might look like. Now I do.
Finding Those Called to Go
Today we need both individuals and churches praying and fasting, asking God to show them who he is calling and then bravely stepping up to commission and send them. According to Joshua Project, there are still 7,402 unreached people groups who need to hear the hope of Jesus. We need field partners that are willing to be pioneers, frontline workers for these people groups that will not be easy to reach. Has God already been speaking to you about someone? If so, in the words of Ananias, “What are you waiting for?” (Acts 22:16).